Raesetja Legodi


“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose."
~Viktor Frankl


Raesetja Legodi
South Rand Licensee

Contact Raesetja:
060 980 7265
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Raesetja is a mother of three boys. She holds a BCom Degree, Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration and pursuing the Masters in Business Administration. She is a Passionate and experienced manager with a proven track record of 17 years in the public sector and successfully leading projects to enhance township entrepreneurs and women in business. Her aspirations are actively involved in empowering the existing and aspiring entrepreneurs with a strong focus on regulatory, inclusive growth, transformative markets, and enterprise supplier development in a nutshell business development support. Her qualifications and working experience within different portfolios in the public sector have equipped her with extensive experience in project/Programme management, Community Socio Economic projects, Stakeholder Management, Policy implementation and regulatory frameworks that are aligned to businesses and government operations.


She attended the International Training Programme - Informal Sector Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development at Ahmedabad, India in the year 2017 to learn and benchmark on the good practices that has improved the Indian Local Economic development which is influenced by the investment in the informal market and industries. She further attended a programme in China in exploring the business culture of China. The programme was developmental in a manner of understanding the implementation and tools of Investment and trade facilitation, and China’s SMME development Frameworks.


Raesetja’s passion is supporting women and children to embrace their legacy in building wealth and change in people’s livelihood. She believes that with a given opportunity of impact, the society will embrace life and realise their sustainable growth potential. Her reasons in educating financial literacy were inspired by working with different informal business women that are working hard in building wealth for their kids and when they pass the legacy wealth gets destroyed due to lack of knowledge and understanding of having a relationship with money by spending recklessly.